Mirai Bot Commands

Help Commands


Shows you a list of available commands and a short description.

Current command categories:
general, moderation, anime, osu, music, twitch

No cooldown


Tells you about a command.

No cooldown

Aliases: desc

Command List

m.osu recent

Displays a user's most recent scores.
Note that this command will not show PP, and will not show scores older than 24 hours.

If your username is already configured then it can be omitted.
To set the game mode add mode:.... Example: mode:mania or mode:ctb (default: standard)

Cooldown: 5s

m.osu top

Displays a user's top scores.

If your username is already configured then it can be omitted.
To set the game mode add mode:.... Example: mode:mania or mode:ctb (default: standard)

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: best

m.osu signature

Generates an osu! "signature" for a user.

If your username is already configured then it can be omitted.
To change the background color specify a hexadecimal color like so: color:00ff44 (default: ff66aa)
To set the game mode add mode:.... Example: mode:mania or mode:ctb (default: standard)
Color can be shortened to c:, and mode to m:

Cooldown: 4s

Aliases: sig, image

m.osu profile

Displays a user's osu! profile stats.

If your username is already configured then it can be omitted.
To set the game mode add mode:.... Example: mode:mania or mode:ctb (default: standard)

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: user, stats

Uses embeds

m.music bind

Binds the music player to a text channel.

When a music player is bound to a text channel it will only accept commands from that channel. Now playing messages and other notices will also be sent there.
To unbind a music player use unbind

Cooldown: 2s

Aliases: b

Not available in DMs

m.music nowplaying

Checks what song is playing.

Cooldown: 2s

Aliases: np, playing

Not available in DMs

m.music volume

Sets the volume of the music player (Mirai Bot Pro).

The volume can be any number from 1 to 80. By default Pro music players are set to 20.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: v

Not available in DMs

m.music resume

Resumes the music player.

Cooldown: 2s

Aliases: rs

Not available in DMs

m.music pause

Pauses the music player.

Cooldown: 2s

Aliases: ps

Not available in DMs

m.music skip

Skips the current track.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: sk

Not available in DMs

m.music queue

Manages you music player's queue.

Add track or stream: m.music queue
List tracks in queue: m.music queue list
Clear queue: m.music queue clear

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: q, play

Not available in DMs

m.music stop


Gets rid of the server's music player. This will also empty the queue for the player.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: sp, leave

Not available in DMs

m.music join

Creates a music player for a server. If no voice channel is given, it will join the channel you are connected to.

To bind the music player to a text channel mention it channel after the voice channel. When a music player is bound to a text channel it will only accept commands from that channel, and now playing messages and other notices will be sent there.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: j, start

Not available in DMs

m.twitch unfollow

Stop getting notifications about a twitch channel.

Cooldown: 5s

Required Permission: Manage Channel

Not available in DMs

m.twitch following

Check which Twitch channels this channel gets notifications for.

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: channels, followed

Not available in DMs

m.twitch follow

Get notified when someone starts streaming on Twitch.
Users must have link previews enabled to see these.

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: notify

Required Permission: Manage Channel

Uses embeds

Not available in DMs

m.twitch channel

Get information about a Twitch channel, and their stream. The channel name must be the same as in the URL of the channel.

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: stream

Uses embeds

Not available in DMs



An accurate rating of your waifu or husbando.

Can be used on users or anime characters.
Many character's ratings are based on contests.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: rate, waifu



Gets information about a manga or light novel.
This command will only post adult series if NSFW is enabled.

Data source: AniList

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: novel, ln

Uses embeds



Gets info about an anime/manga/novel character.
Data source: AniList

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: char, anichar

Uses embeds



Gets information about an anime.
Data source: AniList
This command will only post adult anime if NSFW is enabled.

Cooldown: 5s

Uses embeds


Find out when an anime is airing, or what's airing on a specific day of the week. All times are UTC+9 (JST) by default.

Check which episode airs next and when: m.airing anime_name
Check what's airing on a specific day: m.airing today or m.airing tomorrow or m.airing

You can also enable notifications for every time an episode airs.
Subscribe: m.airing notify anime_name or for a channel m.airing notify channel anime_name
Unsubscribe: m.airing notify stop anime_name or for a channel m.airing notify channel stop anime_name
List subscribed: m.airing notify list or for a channel m.airing notify channel list

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: airs

Uses embeds



Kicks a user from the server and clears their messages from the past 3 days.

Cooldown: 2s

Required Permission: Ban Members

Not available in DMs


Get or remove a managed role, or list all managed roles.

Add role: role add/join name
Remove role: role remove/leave name
List requestable roles: role list
To see all managed roles instead of just joinable ones, use m.role list all

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: roles

Not available in DMs


Deletes certain messages from a channel. You can use the options below to identify what messages you want deleted.
Remember that the number given is how many messages Mirai will go through, not how many will be deleted.
There is a limit of 500 messages. Pinned messages will not be deleted by default.
To specify multiple conditions separate the conditions with a |.

-c ... | --contains ... Messages containing the following text (surround with quotes if containing a dash).
-i | --invites Messages containing an invite.
-u @user | --user @user Messages sent by @user (or by "user") (surround with quotes if containing a dash).
-b | --bots Messages sent by bots.
-a | --attachments Messages containing an attachment (file/image).
-li | --links Messages containing a link.
-le # | --length # Messages longer than the specified length.
-p | --pinned Also delete pinned messages (affects all conditions).
-s | --silent Don't display success message after pruning (affects all conditions).

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: purge, delete

Required Permission: Manage Messages

Not available in DMs



Shows what permissions a member has.

To check server-wide permissions add --server to the end.
To shows all permissions instead of just granted ones, add --all to the end.

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: perms

Not available in DMs



Kicks a user and provides them a reason.

Cooldown: 2s

Required Permission: Kick Members

Not available in DMs


Bans a user who isn't on the server.

This command works the same way as the ban command, but uses a user ID instead of a mention.

Cooldown: 2s

Required Permission: Ban Members

Not available in DMs



Bans a user and sends sends them the reason.

Cooldown: 2s

Required Permission: Ban Members

Not available in DMs


Commands relating to Mirai Bot Pro.

m.pro upgrade, m.pro go
Select a key to upgrade the server with.
m.pro downgrade
Unassign the key used for the server.
m.pro claim
Claim a pro key. This is mainly used for giveaways.
m.pro info
Learn what Mirai Bot Pro gives you.
m.pro tldr
Shorter info.
m.pro status, m.pro server status
Check your pro status.
m.pro key
Get information about a certain key.

Cooldown: 1s


Checks what the weather is anywhere in the world.
If no location is given then your configured location will be used.

If you want to hide the location then add --hidden to the end. Your message will be deleted if possible.
This can be done by default by enabling the "Hide weather location" option on the dashboard.

This command is limited to 15 uses per day.
Attention: DarkSky has been acquired by Apple and will shut down their API at the end of 2021. The future of this command is unclear.

Cooldown: 20s

Aliases: w


Lets members vote on something.

To start a vote: m.vote start t:topic | option | option 2 | ...
To end a vote: m.vote end
To check the running vote: m.vote check
To vote on an option: m.vote option

The default options are Yes and No.
To set a topic add t:The title here | before the options. If you have no options then you can just type the title.
When voting you can use the option's number instead of typing it.
Only the user that created a vote and users with the Manage Channel permission can end a vote.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: v

Not available in DMs



Gets a definition from Urban Dictionary.
Only works in NSFW channels.

Cooldown: 4s

Uses embeds


Creates a strawpoll.

Each option is separated with a |.
To name the strawpoll add t:The title here | before the options.
If you want to make a poll in Discord instead, use the vote command.

Cooldown: 10s

Aliases: poll



Shows the status of the shard and cluster your server is on.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: ping, shard


Play rock paper scissors against Mirai.

Cooldown: 1s

Aliases: rps



Set and manage your reminders.

To set a reminder: m.reminder 0m 0d 0h 0m 0s | reminder_text
To list your reminders: m.reminder list
To remove a reminder: m.reminder remove text_in_reminder

You can have a maximum of 20 reminders, with a maximum length of one year.

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: remind, reminders



Gets a post from reddit.
If you would like to search for a post then add a query to the command.

Any of these options can be added to the end of the command:
--time=timeframe hour, day, week, month, year, or all. Only works with top and controversial sorting (default: day for random, week for search)
--limit=number The number of posts to randomly pick from or to search between 1 and 50 (default: 25)
--type=self or --type=link Only get self or link posts
--sort=mode hot, new, top, or controversial (default: top)
--no-embed Will not embed the link in chat

If the channel is a NSFW channel then NSFW posts can be retrieved.

Cooldown: 5s


Gets a random comic from explosm.net's Random Comic Generator. Only works in NSFW channels.

Cooldown: 10s

Aliases: rcg, comic


Generates a random number.

By default it generates a number from 1-10. You can specify a maximum or range.

Cooldown: 2s

Aliases: roll, rand, rng


Shows a map of a location.

To specify a zoom level use --zoom level, with level being a number from 1 to 20.
To specify a map type use --type type, with type being one of road, roadmap, sat, satellite, terrain, or hybrid.

Cooldown: 10s

Aliases: maps


Shows the members of a role. If there are more than 30 members in a role, names will not be shown.

Cooldown: 5s

Not available in DMs



To get info on a user input their name or mention them.
To get info on a channel mention it with #channel-name (for voice channels use <#channel-id>).
To get info on the server input server.

Cooldown: 3s

Uses embeds

Not available in DMs


Creates and manages giveaways.

To start a giveaway use m.giveaway create. This will open the giveaway creator where you can choose its settings.
You can also use this shortcut to quickly create a giveaway: m.giveaway create [#channel] [prize] [duration] [num winners].
Giveaways are limited to one per user per channel. All commands have a channel argument which is optional.

Giveaways can be customized with these options:
Prize: Tells users what the giveaway is for (ex: A free t-shirt).
Channel: The channel a giveaway will be posted in. By default the current channel is used.
Duration: How long the giveaway will be open for (ex: 30m).
Winners: How many winners will be selected when the giveaway ends or is manually ended (min-max: 1-25).
Emote: The emote users will react with to enter the giveaway.
Minimum Account Age: The number of days an account must have existed for to enter the giveaway.
Allowed Roles: Allows restricting entry to certain roles.
Giveaways with a duration will automatically end after that time. You will not be able to use any of the commands below.

Giveaway Commands:
To close a giveaway without a duration use m.giveaway close [#channel] [num winners].
To draw winners for a giveaway use m.giveaway draw/pick [#channel] [number]. Once a user wins they can not win again.
To see the winners of a giveaway again use m.giveaway winners [#channel].
To end a giveaway use m.giveaway end [#channel]. Once a giveaway is ended you can not use any commands on it again.
Note: Giveaways are automatically ended after 28 days

Cooldown: 2s

Aliases: give, lottery, raffle

Uses embeds

Not available in DMs


Gets a fortune from yerkee.com.

Category can be one of the following:
all, computers, cookie, definitions, miscellaneous, people, platitudes, politics, science, wisdom (default)

Cooldown: 3s


Gets facts about cats, a number, date, year, or math facts for a number.

Number Facts:
m.facts [type] [number] where type is one of number, math, date, year and number is a number or "random".
You can also have it pick randomly with m.facts random
If you omit a type, or a number for a type, it will return a random selection
Cat Facts:
m.facts cat

Cooldown: 2s

Aliases: fact


Rolls some dice. By default rolls a standard die once (1d6). You can specify your own, but the max for rolls and sides is 100.
If there are 10 or less rolls the results of each roll will be shown.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: die


Converts an amount of currency into other currencies.

Amount can include punctuation. For example: 1,000,000.95
From and to must be a valid 3-letter currency code.
You can also convert to multiple different currencies.

Rates are provided by European Central Bank. For more information and a list of supported symbols see their page

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: convert


Shows exchange information about the given cryptocurrency pair (ex: ETH-USD, XRP/USD). If an amount is given a converted amount will also be shown.

Amount can include punctuation. For example: 1,362.26421

Cooldown: 5s


Flips a coin.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: coin, flip


Give it a list of options separated by "|"s and it will pick one. You can also use a comma if you really want to.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: c, pick, decide


Get a catgirl from nekos.moe.

To search, add tags separated with a comma. If no tags are used a random catgirl will be posted. nsfw and sort tags do not count.

You can change the sorting order with the sort:... tag. Available orders are recent, relevance, likes, and oldest. Recent is the default.

If used in a NSFW channel then NSFW images may be posted.
Restrict responses to only SFW images with the 'sfw' tag and only NSFW images with the 'nsfw' tag.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: neko, nekos, catgirls

Uses embeds


Displays a user's avatar, or the server's icon with "server".

To change the size add --size number to the end.
The size can be any power of 2 from 16 to 4096.

To see a user's default avatar use the --default option.

Cooldown: 5s

Aliases: a, icon

Not available in DMs


Info about Mirai Bot.

Cooldown: 5s

Uses embeds


Ask the magic 8ball.

Cooldown: 3s

Aliases: 8, ask